BIG Fun! With the BigOne

Embrace the Power of Two and here is what you'll get:

  • Instant access to the recording of the live session with Mike Gold on Ampersand Day.
  • Three markers and other fun swag mailed to you to help you embrace the Power of Two
  • Continued access to the recording and Padlet for inspiration



NOTE: This is for shipping to Canada and Mexico residents only.
To enroll and have your supplies shipped elsewhere, click here:

Questions? Email Heather.


When Mike and Heather offer workshops, this is how participants respond:

Sets a new standard for quality online workshops.

Super high quality content, assignments, and tech support. Both are very knowledgeable, skilled, warm, and gracious. I appreciated the theme of creative freedom and guidance in trying new things!

Mike and Heather are a competent, top-flight team. They work well together and they're respectful and appreciative of what each contributes to the workshop. They anticipate the needs of attendees and are very responsive to requests, questions, and ideas.

$90.00 USD