While the live session has past, you can still purchase the class, get the recording, handouts, and bonus video from Anita!
A surprisingly versatile folded paper structure — wallet, notebook, gift card enclosure, art project — the diagonal pocket folder is a Hedi Kyle structure I learned from Carol DuBosch. It is usually made with one sheet of paper (a fun way to recycle old posters or practice papers!) but can be made with two sheets of paper. Here we’ll go through the basics of making the structure, with one sheet and two, in a variety of sizes, and then explore several ways of turning the structure into a notebook with a three hole pamphlet stitch.
Create this fun and easy book in just one session. Once you learn it, you can customize and scale it to hold whatever letters or art you wish!
What you'll get:
- Supply list immediately upon registration.
- Access to the recording with Anita Bigelow
- Bonus video featuring Anita
This special session is part of the year-long course: Make It Your Lettering Year. We are focusing on books to give our letters a place to live.
Other guest sessions include:
Upon signing up for this session, you will be offered $100 off the full course if you wish to join in on the lettering fun!

A little bit about Anita
Though Anita Bigelow years ago had the good fortune to take calligraphy from Lloyd Reynolds and from Jaki Svaren, she only seriously started practicing calligraphy since 2010, with the benefit of classes from Rebecca Wild and Carol Du Bosch — and from as many traveling workshop greats as possible. Since 2007 Anita’s embraced the excitement of book binding and making artist’s books.
Hosted by Heather Leavitt Martinez at Let's Letter Together!
For questions, please email her here.